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News 2012
The AGM of the Templenoe Bord na nOg will take place this Sunday evening, 08/01/2012 at 6 pm in the Templenoe Community Centre. All parents of juvenile players are asked to attend..
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- Category: News 2012
The Officers and team Mentors for 2012 are as follows.
Chairman: Martin Crowley
Secretary : Roisin Clancy
Delegate : Martin Crowley
U16 Mentors : Pat O'Neill, Pat Clifford, Craig Van DeWinter.
U14 Mentors: Paul Crowley, Brendan O'Sullivan, Colm Murphy
U12 Mentors : Timmy Clifford, Micheal O'Connor, Neilie O'Sullivan, Colm Murphy
U10 Mentors : Shame Cremin, Junior O'Sullivan
U8 Mentors : Timmy Casey, Martin Crowley
A number of issues were raised and discussed during the AGM. Most notabale of these is how the club would appreciate more help from the parents of the underage players during the year. Having the ability to be able to call in parents to help with training, transport or just some extra support during games would we really appreciated.
A copy of the secretarys report can be found in the downloads section of this website
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- Category: News 2012
The AGM of Templenoe GAA Club was held in The Blackwater Tavern on Saturday evening, 14/01/2012.
A good crowd of over forty people were in attendance, and the meeting lasted for over two hours.
Chairman Pat O'Neill was stepping down after five years as Templenoe Chairman. In his term as chairman, Pat has overseen numerous achievements both on and off the playing field. This was noted by the club officers and members from the floor. All other outgoing officers, team mentors and players were thanked for a great year’s service.
The elected officers for 2012 are as follows:
Chairman: Timmy Clifford
Vice Chairman: Eddie O'Sullivan
Secretary: Tommy Granville
Vice Secretary: Mick Granville
Treasurer: Phil Harrington
Vice Treasurer: Tomas O'Connor
PRO: Noel O'Sullivan
Assistant PRO: Patrick O'Sullivan
Register: Barry Clifford
Scor Officer: Theresa O'Shea
Development Officer: Pat O'Neill
Coaching / Youth Officer: Mike Hallissey
Co. Board Delegate: Patrick O'Mahony
District Board Delegate: Patrick Doyle
Senior Team Management: Mike Crowley, Paul Crowley, John K O'Sullivan
Junior Team Management: Barry Clifford, Dan O'Sullivan, Neilie O'Sullivan, Harold O'Sullivan
U21 and Minor Team Management: Mike Crowley, Kevin Rice
Field Committee: A new field committee has been set up to continue the great work being done on the two Templenoe grounds throughout the year.
Field Committee Chairman: Pat O'Neill
Field Committee Secretary: Pat Peter O'Sullivan
Field Committee Members: Denis Sheehan, Timmy Sheehan, Billy Clifford.
The secretary's report from the AGM can be viewed in the downloads section of this website
Templenoe Club Officers 2012
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- Category: News 2012
- Details
- Category: News 2012
Club Membership: Templenoe GAA Club membership is due for 2012. Please contact Club Register Barry Clifford to pay. Membership fees are the same as last year, Senior €40 and Juvenile €10
31 Card Drive: Please support the Templenoe Gaa Club 31 card drive which is being held in Spillanes Bar and the Blackwater Tavern through January.
February Monthly Meeting: the monthly meeting has been fixed for Monday, 06/02/12 in the Templenoe Community Centre at 9:30pm
Templenoe Community Center Whist Drive: The monthly Whist drive will be held in Templenoe Community center on Thursday 19/01/12 @ 8:30pm. All are welcome
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- Category: News 2012